why is my phone going straight to voicemail verizon

71020 Views There are 3 possibilities that I see. Go back to Settings and click on the More button.

Solved 10 Reasons Your Mobile Phone Calls Are Going Straight To Voice Mail Up Running Technologies Tech How To S

Try to remember to restart your phone at least once per week by safely turning it off and back on again press and hold the power button then select Power Off.

. Scroll down and tap on Wi-Fi calling if Wi-Fi calling is enabled on your iPhone please turn it off immediately because it causes outgoing calls go straight to voicemail on iphone. In this situation you will not hear the phone ring and think that the calls are going straight to voicemail. My callers were saying the phones went straight to voicemail.

Did You Add the Numbers in Auto Reject List. Bought the phone directly from Verizon. Reset network settings on both our phones.


When your iPhone is too far away to connect to cell towers or when its cut off from the outside world with Airplane Mode all calls go straight to voicemail because your iPhone isnt connected to the cellular network. Select Block numbers 5. IPhone Pro Max 256GB.

There are a number of reasons that could cause your phone to go to voicemail see below. With both off none of the other switches there matter. Deleted contacts on both our phones.

After 2 customer service rep calls with no resolution my third call was resolved. Make sure Call Forwarding is off. Hence any external notification is turned silent and you wont notice it.

For example if two callers call and leave voicemail messages one callers voicemail is retrieved on one system and the other callers voicemail is retrieved on another. He was the one who alerted me to the problem. Open Settings app on your iPhone.

Made sure neither of our numbers are in blocked callers. If it is on any calls from numbers not in your contacts will go directly to voicemail. Also received voice mails are going to TWO DIFFERENT LOCATIONS.

Overcome iPhone Going Straight to Voicemail by Callers Blocked. Thus the call goes straight to voicemail. Message 5 of 7.

Swipe down from the top to bring up the status notices screen. Disabled call filters including Verizons call filter. The first is the number is called forwarded.

Sometimes I would have a missed call other times I did not. Resolve Poor Network Coverage. Have the rep check the number of rings that are set before going to voicemail.

Select Voice call and then Always forward. To do that kindly open the settings app and scroll down to phone tap to open. Calls are going straight to voicemail with no missed call alert and without the phone ringing.

In order to not miss calls you may need to consider turning the do-not-disturb mode off. Most of the time its a configuration issue with your phones settings. How to fix your Verizon phone if your calls go straight to voicemail.

The second is Verizon has your number busied out in the switch for some reason. Sometimes your phone may think it has a connection to a Bluetooth device like your car or an earpiece but that device is not talking to the phone. Like others have said signal strength is important.

Reset your phone network settings. Sometimes it would ring once and then go to voicemail. Ive tried hard resetting the phone and removing then reinserting the Sim card.

So if your Do Not Disturb mode is on the problem is easy to solve. Dave JohnsonBusiness Insider. My husband called and it went straight to voicemail.

Answer 1 of 4. Another thing is that you may have a. Bill---Galaxy S21 Ultra 512gVZW Galaxy Book original VZW Tab S8 Ultra Tab S4 Galaxy Watch3 VZW.

Go to SettingsDo not Disturb. Could cause your phone to go to voicemail see below but the one mentioned in this video I noticed is not very well known. You can verify that as follows and.

Tap Call barring and ensure the option is turned off. Open Settings and look at the switch next to Airplane Mode. Make sure Do Not Disturb is off.

Poor network coverage doesnt let the incoming call get through the network. Some callers voice mails go to FiOS Digital Voice while others are stored in the systems local voicemail system. Select Call barring and disable all call barring settings.

Fix iPhone Calls Going to Voicemail by Turn Off Do Not Disturb. If my response helps please click on Like HeartIf I resolved your issue also please click on Accept as a Solution so that others can benefit. Go to Settings and tap Auto Reject List.

I have no one blocked. Bypass iPhone Goes Straight to Voicemail via Signal Airplane Mode. There is a new solution that appeared in recent iOS update versions to fix iPhone goes straight to voicemail easily.

Made sure Do Not Disturb is off. That should fix the call issue on your phone. If Airplane Mode is on turn it off.

Here are 7 solutions for you about tackle the iPhone issue with effortless. I checked and his number isnt blocked. If the calls you seem to be missing are from numbers you dont know the Silence Unknown Callers function.

After investigating for two weeks Verizon determined I must have poor coverage the coverage map says my area has excellent coverage and told me the solution is to enable wi-fi calling Ive had wifi calling enabled since the feature was introduced. No Service Airplane Mode. Lastly there is a short circuit on the line tricking the system in to thinking someone is on the phone and goes to voice mail.

If the person leaves a message the VM pops up but the phone hasnt rang. Return once again to Settings and tap Call forwarding. Calls arent forwarded and do not disturb is not on.

Choose Phone and Announce Calls to access its menu window. Contact your cellular service provider and ask them to replace the SIM with a new one keeping the same number. As a result there is no need to worry about incoming calls any more.

From the home screen swipe down. Remove any phone numbers from the list you dont want to send to voicemail immediately. If Do Not Disturb mode is on the iPhone will not ring when calls come in redirecting them straight to voicemail.

There are a number of reasons that. 11-11-2019 0922 AM in. If it is certain phone numbers whose calls are going straight to your voicemail you might have added those numbers into your block or auto-reject list.

Theres a switch for Silence Unknown Callers. All the incoming calls are sent straight to voicemail. Remove the numbers you dont really on the list.

Checked Do Not Disturb for individual contact in Messages. I just assumed I was not by phone or didnt hear it ring when calls were coming through. Turn it off if it is on.

If the crescent moon icon is colored the Do Not Disturb mode is on. Also turn off Scheduled. Blocked phone numbers go straight to voicemail.

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